Monday, April 16, 2018

What Is The Difference Between Porcelain And Ceramic Figurines Which Is Better

What Is The Difference Between Porcelain And Ceramic Figurines Which Is Better

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What Is The Difference Between Porcelain And Ceramic Figurines Which Is Better

To understand the differences between ceramic and porcelain all you need is the definition of each. Whereas ceramic is a general term that also includes porcelain, porcelain is a ceramic product that is made a bit differently than other ceramic products. The category of ceramics includes porcelain but also clay, bone and other forms of pottery.

What further differentiates the two is their composition. Porcelain is seen as a more refined form of ceramics and it is composed of white clay and petuntse, which is a type of feldspar, found only in China. The products are heated to a higher degree than regular ceramic dishes or pottery. By heating these to over 2600 degrees the clay takes on a glasslike quality.

Most collectors can tell just by sight and feel which is which. The ceramics usually has a bit more in the weight department than does the porcelain. Ceramic figurines are also known for their grainy textures. One sure-fire way to tell which is which is by sounding. This is the process where you tap on the object and listen for the pitch of the sound. The porcelains have a higher pitch.

The Chinese perfected the making of porcelain in particular what is referred to, as fine "China" century's ago. It took Europe about another 800 years to make their first firing of anything comparable to what was coming out of China. Figurines and dishes from the early periods of China's porcelain history usually command a hefty price. As to which is better it all depends in large part on the consumer and the purpose of the piece. There are collections of both that are very expensive. If you want to start your own collection read to get ideas on how to tell the difference yourself.

1. If when held up to a light source you can see the shadow of the object placed behind the figurine then it is porcelain. Porcelain has a translucent quality that other forms of ceramics lack.

2. Is the figurine's surface smooth or grainy. If it is grainy it is not porcelain. Porcelain feels more like a glass surface, an egg at worst.

Whether its a porcelain figurine or a ceramic figurine, you will enjoy it if it is made with care and quality. Ultimately, like anything else, it comes down to what makes you the most happy to look at and cherish.

3. Is the figurine of a delicate nature? One of the finest properties of porcelain is it fragile nature. Other forms of ceramic are a lot tougher and thicker.

4. Notice the gloss or sheen on the object. Porcelain is a glossier surface. It looks like it has been polished.

Beautiful figurines are a great addition to your home, regardless of what they are made of. Still, as human beings, we are all picky and have our own tastes. Next time you go figurine shopping, just keep these pointers in mind and they will most certainly help you make the best selection for your tastes.

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