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We all dread the day that we start our personal computers only to have them freeze, run super-slow or even not boot at all. Unless you are confident about fixing or reinstalling your operating system, the thought of having to deal with PC errors will fill you with apprehension.
What causes PC errors and slow running speed?
One of the most basic causes of slow-running PCs is the fact that we tend to ask too much of them. The memory on a personal computer is a finite, limited thing, and only so much data can fit into it. In the old days, it was easy to blame memory for PC errors as it was extremely limited. We accepted that we needed to end one program before we loaded a new one.
These days we expect to be able to have more than one application open at the same time, and actively switch between them as we work. We also expect every computer to load a large number of programs at startup and simply cope with the workload! The reality is that we overwhelm the CPU capability and the memory, and in so doing, we cause problems for ourselves.
Inevitably, multitasking on such a grand scale slows the most powerful machine, causing clashes in the cache resulting in corrupt items which we then see as PC errors. As well as expecting our PCs to cope with loading many programs at the same time at startup, we are also inclined these days to install and uninstall software on a whim.
Games are particular examples of this tendency. We install a game, play it for two minutes, then either (in the case of children and young adults who don't know any better) delete the files or uninstall them and move on to the next game we find for downloading.
Doing this often leaves part-uninstalled programs lying about on your system which effectively clogs up the registry with entries for redundant and obsolete files and settings. This certainly will affect the speed of your PC, both at startup time and during normal running time.
Maintaining your registry will remove all those errors and unwanted keys and references, and your PC will be able to work more efficiently and healthily. You will notice less errors, and the speed will be noticeably faster.
Most of the computer users today have no idea of what their registry actually is, and they do not have any idea about how to solve a registry issue. We all had faced problems related to slow pc and slow startup etc. with our PC at some point of time during computing. You also may have seen a different homepage when we haven't made any changes, the PC freezing screen or complete computer crashes - these all form part of the problems faced by today's PC user when there are issues with the registry system of your Windows Operating System. If you are having Windows operating system like- XP. Vista Or Windows 7installed, then you have a Windows registry. And You can opt for a good registry cleaner for the solution of your Pc Registry. In my Registry Cleaner Review, I found that Pc Doc Pro is the best Registry Cleaner available to speed up an sluggish, slow and dead computer.