Image source: https://farm7.static.flickr.com/6055/6326602301_57656e1a17_b.jpg
Science of Mind reflects the teaching of Dr. Ernest Holmes, in the first half of the 20th Century. He was the founder of Religious Science, which has as its basis, "Change your thinking; change your mind." Knowing that our thoughts and attitudes create our environment, Holmes synthesized the teachings of ancient masters that worked for him, thus being an avant-guard of the well known movie, "The Secret," which turns out to be that very philosophy.
The logo he created expresses Divinity projecting, or condensing, into form by passing through increasingly physical dimension, into physical form. Note that the V, representing the passage of Divinity, or Consciousness, is open at the top. Thus, all life is connected and not separate, after all.
Ron Houpt is currently the only person on the planet, to his knowledge, with the license to create gold and silver jewelry with this design. Spiritual students following this path are proud to wear the symbol of Life in unique expression, yet connected to the All.
Ron has been making both the official Science of Mind jewelry and similar symbols of New Thought for many years. A member of the Boulder, CO, Religious Science church, he often brings his brilliant jewelry to New Thought Conferences, where he does the attendees appreciate his fine work.
Popular are both the men's and women's rings in either sterling silver or 14k gold. Two styles are available: the Science of Mind logo in a solid disc or the open style. The stud earrings are also with a choice of solid or open style.
In addition to using the official logo on pendants, earrings, pins, tie tacks, rings, and bracelets in sterling silver or 14k gold, he has created heart-shaped jewelry around the logo in many fine jewelry forms.
In addition, there is a line of pendants, earrings and pins in a 3-metal design, using copper, bronze, and silver. These Body Mind Soul jewelry pieces are a favorite among those partial to the blend of 3 metals. This style features a round disc with the Science of Mind logo in the three colors.
The New Thought Ancient Wisdom teachings began at the end of the 19th Century, with Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, a New England clockmaker. They called him "Dr." because of the amazing healings he performed. He discovered if a person could just let go of a strong opinion he or she held, their illness would vanish.
What a wonderful emblem to wear on your finger, lapel, wrist, around your neck or on your ears!