Friday, April 13, 2018

Web And Video Conferencing Who's Using This New Technology

Web And Video Conferencing Who's Using This New Technology

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Web And Video Conferencing Who's Using This New Technology

In the mid 1990s a few individuals and companies, seeing the potential of the relatively unknown Internet, took advantage of this new medium and got a head start on everyone else. Similarly, today a few innovative companies have enthusiastically embraced web and video conferencing and are reporting great benefits from this under-used application.

Who is making use of web and video conferencing, and how are they using it? Here is a look at some of the enterprises and institutions that are being transformed by the intelligent use of this up-and-coming technology.

Ever conscious of rising costs, schools and universities are using web/video conferencing to conduct administrative meetings with staff and also for setting up online courses and tutoring for students. Web and video conferencing "made all the difference in turning a scheduling conflict into a magical lifetime memory for our student," says Jon Fredricks of Midland Lutheran College.

While clergy are not usually pictured as techno-geeks, churches and other religious institutions have been quick to see the advantages of video conferencing applications and now use it to enable shut-in members of their congregations "attend" worship services without leaving their homes.

Sales organizations are using video and/or web conferencing to conduct sales meetings as well as to meet and demonstrate their products with prospects. Taking this further, sales coaches and trainers have whole-heartedly embraced online conferencing as a way to develop new methods of training, and save money at the same time.

Video and web conferencing "enabled us to develop a powerful new consulting/training business model in which we blend live classroom training with a continuous program of interactive videoconference training events, accessible by participants from virtually any location" reports Tim McMahon of McMahon WorldWide Sales Performance.

"The ability to offer this kind of programming has become a significant source of competitive advantage for us in the sales training marketplace," added McMahon.

As might be expected, software and Internet companies who are already tech-savvy, have been quick to make use of online conferencing. They are using these applications to demonstrate their products and services to clients, and to provide a new, previously undreamed of level of support.

"The technology allows us to access dentists' workstations in two clicks.... It's like working without walls and dentists have really been blown away by the personal touch that's possible with this technology," reports Rich Hirschinger, of, a supplier of software for dentists.

Similarly, avant-garde media companies are using the latest web/video conferencing applications to present videos and conduct business meetings bringing together their offices located many miles apart.

Large organizations with many branches such as securities companies and banks have also seen online conferencing as a way to hold staff meetings, meet with clients and conduct training sessions without having to pay high travel costs.

But it is not only large institutions that are using these applications, professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists and insurance agents are using online video conferencing to have intimate, one-on-one meetings with their patients, clients and prospects.

These are just a few examples of how various companies and institutions are getting the benefits provided by web and video conferencing. This list is sure to grow in the years ahead.

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