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The life of a plasma TV, contrary to rumors, is greater than you think. Also with the advancing technology, manufacturers produce the best tvs that will last longer. Most manufacturers will estimate a lifetime of 60,000 up to 100,000 hours for plasma TVs. That is 20 to 30 years of normal viewing before the screen become unclear (dark). This is a new estimate which reflects the technology improvements made in recent years. In the early years of plasma, lifetime was between 30,000 and 40,000 hours, so this is a real improvement. After the television begins to become darker, more models offer the option to replace the light source device which renews your 32 inch TV life.
There are several new technologies that have increased the lifespan of plasma TV. First we have the pixel orbiter. Pixel orbiter quickly change color of adjacent pixel when static image is rendered. This create a sense in changing the image of the TV but is almost impossible for the viewer to see it. This alone virtually eliminate internal combustion threat. Another software part of anti-combustion technology is looking for pixels that have been active for too long and close them for a small period of time. These advantages prevent internal burning and maintain pixels health which increases the lifespan of plasma televisions.
A good tip for those who have already bought a big screen plasma TV is to look at as many shows in wide-screen format. This helps to prevent differences in quality between pixels forming the image of internal and external ones which would not be neglected when there are edges. Also, keep the light levels as low as possible. If you keep the TV in a bright room, it is not necessary to maintain the TV brightness to 100%. Reducing the pixel brightness you can avoid overuse, and this leads to increased life span. A final option to extend the life of the plasma is keeping them in a cool, well ventilated room. Cold air cooling reduces internal application components and helps phosphors to last longer.
Plasma offers a large screen (42 inches and more) for less money than LCDs of comparable size. With that in mind, we see that even if television manufacturers are exaggerating when estimate life expectancy of their models, these units have a value greater than LCDs. Obviously, the first generation of plasma is a concern for buyers. They must actively check their TV health screen. However, looking at newer models and future technology, I have concluded that the plasma lifetime is long enough for an ordinary user.