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We all know how satellite TV works when the weather is bad for e.g. heavy rains, heavy cast skies, etc, there is absolutely no reception at all. It can get very frustrating especially if you are watching something really interesting and your screen goes blank because of no signal.
On the other hand satellite TV has advanced in this technological flaw, and instead you will find that television as well as the internet reception has now changed from unreliable to very reliable. However the debate of whether satellite TV will work in extreme weather conditions still goes on. What readers would find interesting to know is that this can no longer be considered to be a viable concern at all except for those very rare occasions when the weather is really rough. Satellite TV services has definitely improved and is a far cry from what it was in the past when a slight change or overcast skies would disrupt signals from the communications satellite. These days the climatic conditions of your area does not really matter, since services are upped and this has made it very reliable. Rain fade what people termed a condition that would send satellite TV in a tizzy because of precipitation that caused an impact on satellites was common in the past. However since with the use of Lower frequency bands that were not affected but could cause an interference with high frequency bands reception could falter and services could be interrupted for a while.
There have definitely been several strides taken to help improve reliability when it comes to reception though your satellite TV especially when the weather condition is bad. It is to help improve signal strength from communication satellite irrespective of sun, wind or rain. A particular remedy that was used to help improve signal strength in areas that received heavy rainfall was the use of C band along with a circular polarization which was later replaced with a much more efficient DBS also known as direct broadcast services. This has resulted in a much better and a very reliable service as compared to what people used to experience in bad weather.
However even though technology to prevent rain fade with your satellite TV signals during bad weather can be eliminated you still need to make use that the satellite dish faces the southern skies at all times. The reason is because satellites that are orbiting generally hover around the equator area and this where it transfers data to your receiver. The only obstruction for proper signals from these satellites could be taller buildings, trees and any other tall obstacle that disrupts the line of sight for your dish.
With reliable satellite services you can now enjoy uninterrupted entertainment and viewing of your favorite channels. However the only concern is that when the weather is worse, there could be loss of services or signal especially during lighting, and torrential rains. The good news is that technology is advancing and soon there will be a concrete solution against it.
If you want to read about satellite dishes, visit this website. See how satellite television can be an entertainment for the entire family here.