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It must always be noted, besides, that this free text message service turned into not available some years ago. Some years ago, when SMSs were significantly costly, wireless phone clients did not feel proud of the belief of paying easiest prices for sending short text messages to other wireless phones. Considering this initial free text message service, clients did not like to pay for SMSs that other customers delivered to them in basic terms by the fact that many of these messages came from unknown cell phone numbers. At that time, the rates for every text message turned into considerably easiest as in comparison with phone calls, especially if the patron turned into required to send a extraordinary deallots of messages during the day. Nevertheless, both wireless phone service companies such as Oi and Claro and clients have accorded to lower rates for every text message sent. More importantly, clients can take abilities of this service with no any expense.
Free Torpedo/SMS is a new service bought by many cell phone companies in Brazil. These companies refer to Oi, Claro, Vivo, and Nextel, which ability that customers are not restricted to send a extraordinary deallots of free messages to cell phones from a couple of providers.
Free SMS is a new service bought by many cell phone companies in Brazil. These companies refer to Oi, Claro, Vivo, and Nextel, which implies that customers can feely send text messages to a few of cell phone operators in the state.
In relation to this service, Oi Torpedo is a new short text message service that allows Oi clients to manage free text messages to company and relatives. This quick and undeniable service adds 60 free Torpedos or SMS each day. Oi Torpedos could well be delivered thru the internet from web sites sponsored by the service provider.
One of the so much remarkable conversation holding manufacturer in Brazil is Oi. At present times, Oi has millions of clients in Brazil. Oi Torpedos is a artistic service given the fact that wireless phone clients can with no difficulty send free SMSs from anyplace in the globe. Certainly, telecommunications companies as Oi and Claro are the so much important since clients have more than 50 free messages to send each day. In this case, the form of messages to be delivered each day is limited, which ability that customers just pay a terribly small fee for every new text message. In this case, customers are accepted to deliver up to sixty free messages daily. If they like to send more than that, then he/she has pay a short amount for every additional SMS.
At present times, the Oi communications manufacturer promotes the Oi Torpedo service. In this case, the manufacturer supplies free Torpedos or SMSs as the alternative service for wireless phones.This individual service is free for all digital wireless phones(GSM and CDMA) from the Oi Company. In this case, clients can manage a extraordinary deallots of Torpedos to other customers from Claro and Oi. Mobile phones with the GSM technologies can send SMSs up to 225 characters while CDMA cell phones can manage messages up to 160 characters. Moreover, customers can send more than fifty free SMSs every day among Oi Torpedo clients and other wireless phone service companies.
Oi Torpedo Holding Company adds free SMS to all its clients. Oi is one of the so much important communications providers in Brazil. To commence sending free torpedos to a few of customers just talk over with Torpedo free of charge.